FIRST EARTH | Uncompromising Ecological Architecture

Because we believe that as many people as possible should have the option of seeing the FIRST EARTH film, regardless of their financial abilities, for a limited time only we are making beta versions of the 12 chapters of the film available over the internet for free! The DVD version of the film has high-quality video and audio and includes extras.

The individual chapters of the film can also be watched separately from one another. It won't have the same effect as watching the whole film from start to finish, but as part of our vision to make the content as accessible as possible, the chapters can be viewed one at a time.

Chapters 1 through 12 - The Entire Film

Chapter 1 - L'Architecture en question
Chapter 2 - Terre d'Afrique
Chapter 3 - Terre d'AmŽrique
Chapter 4 - Pourquoi la terre
Chapter 5 - La Puissance de la Terre
Chapter 6 - Une autre terre est possible
Chapter 7 - Terre D'Europe
Chapter 8 - Terre D'Arabie
Chapter 9 - Terre Urbaine
Chapter 10 - Terre de centre-ville
Chapter 11 - Terre Sans Frontire
Chapter 12 - L'Avenir de la Terre

4 - Pourquoi la terre